Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workout Journal

Fitness Blog - Workout Journal

Do you keep track of your progress in the gym? Well if you answered no than how are you sure of your progress or lack there of.

Do you have so little going on in your life that you can remember all your sessions, well I didn't think so.  But why, well if you track your progression not only can you literally see it but you know how to push yourself hmm did I do 12 reps last week or 8 well let me see what I do today but if you kept a journal your take would be last week I got 10 this week I want to try to get one more rep or run that mile 5 seconds faster

Next question you may have is where do I write all this down at well truth being I'm typing this on my I-Pod there's one option or a good old black and white notebook works or many places sell journals specificity for logging workouts but whatever you choose make sure you keep track.
Fitness Blog -Gym Bag

Top things that you need in your gym back

Water - 
Not only important for your workouts but throughout the day

Whether it's a ready to drink shake or a powder you mix with water a post workout shake is essential to ending the catabolic state your bodies in and aiding in recovery of the muscle

Small or large that Is your own choice but it is curtious to wipe up the equipment after you use it, or helpful for when the person before you disregarded this part of gym ediquite

Workout Journal
The longer you wait to write out what you just did the more likely you won't or you will forget what you did, check out my blog the importance tracking workouts

Don't just lose weight, gain your life back.

One of the most common mistakes people make is not hiring a trainer when they make the life changing decision to lose weight.

Ask yourself how many times you have done this; decided to make a change maybe bought a gym membership even shopped for "healthy" groceries only to see no results or get hurt and returned to old habbits.

Life is a learning experiance but someone taught you how to ride a bike, drive a car, play a sport, etc. Don't make the same mistake of trying to loose weight alone, have someone teach you how to put together a training program, how long to train, how often to train and at what intensity. All while setting realistic goals and getting results.

Email or call me today to set up your free fitness assessment and session. Make your first step now in gaining your life back.

Scott McNeil
ACSM certified trainer